Sheaths for electrical system wiring
Pvc, old style, metal, heatshrink sheaths electrical system wiring useful to vintage cars and motorcycles aged since 1920
Pvc, old style, metal, heatshrink sheaths electrical system wiring useful to vintage cars and motorcycles aged since 1920
Black old style sheath Ø 4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12/14/16 mm
Black pvc sheath Ø 4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12 mm
Black sheath headshrink 12.7/6.4 – 9.5/4.8 – 4.8/2.4
Blu sheath headshrink 9.5/4.8 – 4.8/2.4
Blu/yellow pvc sheath Ø 6/7 mm
Green sheath headshrink 9.5/4.8 – 4.8/2.4
Grey pvc sheath Ø 4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12 mm
Orange old style sheath Ø 4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12/14/16 mm
Orange pvc sheath Ø 4/9/13 mm
Red pvc sheath Ø 5/7/10 mm
Red sheath headshrink 9.5/4.8 – 4.8/2.4
Yellow sheath headshrink 9.5/4.8 – 4.8/2.4